FAQ and Eligibility

Please check your eligibility and our guidelines



  • You must have a Producer’s Agreement, General Agency (GA), Managing General Agency (MGA) or National Account Agreement in place with Empire Life prior to December 31, 2022 that is still inforce and in good standing at the time of the Education Summit.
  • For the purposes of the Education Summit invitation, eligible agencies according to Empire Life are those it defines as: GAs, MGAs, and Direct Advisors. Those agencies defined by Empire Life as Associate General Agencies (AGAs) or Regional MGAs are not eligible.
  • You must comply with all provincial and federal regulations, as well as Empire Life rules and standards of ethics and conduct.
  • Empire Life reserves the right to decide whether or not to invite advisors or agency representatives, for any reason whatsoever, including current or ongoing compliance or conduct investigations.


This is an invitation-only conference. The invitation is subject to review and may be rescinded at any time.


  • Advisors: the advisor and his/her spouse, significant other or life partner (“spouse”).
  • MGAs: There is a maximum of 1 attendee (with spouse, significant other or life partner (“spouse”)) per agency.

The purpose of the Education Summit is to provide a business and networking environment for invitees and their spouse/partner. One (1) hotel room per one (1) invitation has been allocated for this conference. Your attendance and that of your spouse/partner is by invitation only from Empire Life and is not a contractual right.


The Education Summit is an optional event and attendance is not required if you receive an invitation.

If you do choose to attend, you must be prepared to:

  • Agree to accept and pay for accommodations at The Miami Beach EDITION Hotel for you and your spouse/partner
  • Agree to pay for all airfare costs for you and your spouse/partner to the destination (Miami) and transportation costs to and from the hotel; and
  • Attend all Education Summit events including business sessions from Monday, May 29th (check in) to Thursday, June 1st (check out).

The Education Summit invitation must be accepted as given. There are no substitutions, exchanges for cash, credit or transfers available if you, or your spouse/partner is, unable to or chooses not to:

  • attend the Education Summit;
  • use accommodations arranged by Empire Life.


Please be aware that your spouse’s/guest’s attendance at this event will result in a taxable benefit. This benefit will be calculated by Empire Life and reported on a T4A/Relevé-1 tax slip, issued to you (the advisor). The amount will be determined using current CRA regulations and final costs of the summit.


Advisors are solely responsible for disclosing to clients any aspect of participation in the Education Summit invitation and/or attendance. If you are invited as an Individual advisor to attend the Education Summit you will be required to submit an acceptable sample of the disclosure notification you use with clients.

Please email this directly to eufrazia.andrade@empire.ca. You can find Empire Life communications on Advisor Disclosure, reference materials and sample letters for your use here.

Continuing education credits

If you participate in business sessions you may be eligible for continuing education credits.