FAQ and Eligibility

Please check your elegibility and our guidelines

Dress Code

Miami averages a daytime high of 28 degrees Celsius during the day and 23 degrees Celsius during the evenings, with an average humidity level 83% during the day and 59% in the afternoon/evening.

Average Sunrise is 6:30am and Sunset is 8:05pm

Business Session

Business casual attire, including dresses, dress pants - jackets optional and ties not required.

The Miami Beach Edition is a resort in the heart of Miami Beach, Florida. Upscale resort wear is suggested for your time on property.


Monday night’s opening reception will start inside the property; we will move outdoors to Tropicale for dinner. The event space is a mix of concrete, grass (lawn) and a small sandy area; spike heels are discouraged.

La Vista Terrace

Tuesday night’s reception and dinner is outside on La Vista terrace with spectacular sunset views. The event space is a mix of concrete, grass (lawn); spike heels are discouraged.

Basement Bowl and Skate

Wednesday night we have secured the indoor bowling and ice skating venue. Skates, bowling shoes and bowling balls will be provided. Note if you plan to bowl or skate please dress appropriately for the activity (ie pants vs shorts or dress/skirt).